What should be the density of foam for insulation of the facade: instructions for choice and installation!

For effective and long-lasting facade insulation, it is important to select the appropriate foam density. In addition to enhancing energy efficiency and shielding your house from the outside elements, foam insulation helps control interior temperature. Making educated decisions requires an understanding of how insulation performance is impacted by foam density.

The weight of foam insulation per cubic foot is referred to as its density. It has a direct impact on the material’s durability, moisture resistance, and thermal resistance (R-value). Higher density foams offer superior thermal insulation and typically have higher R-values. They may, however, be more costly and difficult to handle during installation.

Take into account your climate and unique insulation requirements when choosing the foam density for your facade insulation. Higher density foams with better thermal resistance are advised in colder climates to stop heat loss. On the other hand, a lower density foam may work well in milder climates and provide cost and installation advantages.

Installation considerations are also very important. For higher density foams to ensure even coverage and adequate gap sealing, precise application techniques are needed. In order to minimize thermal bridging—the unintentional pathways through which heat escapes—and maximize energy efficiency, this is imperative.

In the end, the foam density you choose should suit your spending limit, the climate where you live, and the level of insulation you want. For your facade insulation to last as long as possible, proper installation by qualified experts is essential to getting the best possible results.

The characteristics of the insulation

  1. Low thermal conductivity, which makes the material a beautiful heat insulator.
  2. A large temperature range of use from -50 to +75 degrees Celsius.
  3. Soundproofing properties. Manufacturers indicate such a characteristic, but after installing the foam, the effect of reducing the number of noise is slight.
  4. The material can withstand sharp temperature jumps.
  5. Moistenous properties.
  6. The combustibility class 3-4 means that the material does not support combustion, but at high temperatures it melts. There are options that are covered with special antipyren compounds. Then the class rises and becomes g1 or g2.
  7. Stability before the chemical and biological effects. The foam is not terrible a variety of chemicals, whether it be solutions of salts, acids or alkalis. In addition, pathogenic bacteria, as well as mushrooms and mold, do not form on the surface of the insulation.
  8. High tensile strength and compression, but mechanical stresses in the form of perpetual impacts for foam.

In quality certificates, manufacturers only list the advantages of their products; they remain silent about any drawbacks. All of this is because everyone wants to make as much money as they can, which necessitates selling a lot of insulation.

Pros and cons of the material

You must weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the foam in order to determine if it is appropriate in a particular situation. Because both positive and negative reviews can be found online, the material has been around for a while in our nation. As usual, let’s begin with the positive aspects of polystyrene foam:

  • Low thermal conductivity, which means the heat remains indoors, and not an exit to the street.
  • Light weight. Almost 90 % material consists of air, which makes it easy.
  • Thermal insulation structure will not load the supporting walls.
  • Low moisture absorption indicators, which means that the foam not only does not get wet, but also repels moisture from the main structure.
  • Inertness to biological organisms, in particular, harmful bacteria and fungi, which makes the material safe for humans.
  • Long life with proper storage and installation.
  • Fast and convenient installation. Moreover, you can cope with the installation without involving extraneous assistance.
  • Small price, which makes the material affordable for the average buyer.

The drawbacks now come from the fact that no material would only have advantages; there is always something that does not fit the needs of the customer.

  1. Rodents and termites gnaw foam and make nests out of it. The damaged material can no longer perform the declared functions.
  2. Ultraviolet instability.
  3. Antipyrene, which cover polystyrene foam over time, is destroyed, which makes the material a fire hazardous.
  4. Poor indicators of steam throughput. This increases the risks of moisture accumulation on the inside of the wall. Thus, mold can develop in the rooms, which is dangerous for human health.

Foam and rodents

Polystyrene foam barriers are easily removed by mice and rats when they come across them while searching for food. Rats are not afraid of the heat-absorbing plate. They do not use the material in food, but they rush large holes quickly and easily. The pieces that mice bite are most frequently used to construct nests.

Here are some ways to keep rodents away from the foam:

  • More attentive to the purity of the personal plot. Take out garbage in time, do not scatter food waste. When mice and rats have nothing to live on the territory, they leave it.
  • Bring a home cat – he is happy to disperse all rodents.
  • Close the material with a net that protect the foam from the teeth of these animals.

But mice aren’t the only creatures that can harm foam. It’s also used by sparrows and other small birds to set up their homes. They can also build nests directly on the outside of your house. The bird finds a small patch of exposed foam, digs a hole, and takes up residence there.

Foam and ultraviolet

Polystyrene is one of those materials that is only harmed by solar radiation. UV light breaks down polymer compounds, causing the material to age rapidly. In other words, the substance starts to break down into tiny balls and stops acting as a heat insulator.

In order to prevent this, decorative trim should be added as soon as the house’s exterior walls have been covered in insulation. The standard plaster, siding, or any other facing technique works well for this.

About the sound insulation ability of PPS

The foam’s structure prevents it from providing adequate noise abatement for the home. As was already mentioned, 90% of it is made of air. The sound is completely absent from this setting in every direction. Consequently, you shouldn’t choose foam if you need to shield the structure from outside noise.

As evidence of this, numerous reviews from frame house owners attest to the polystyrene.

About the vapor permeability of polystyrene foam

Because the material is concentrated in the rooms, it does not pass steam. Droplets of dew form on the interior walls if the street temperature is lower than the rooms (which happens more frequently), which aids in the growth of mold mushrooms.

The following choices must be made in order to prevent such outcomes:

  1. Initially correctly calculate the thickness of the polystyrene foam. This will help to move the dew point to the street where condensate removal occurs using air streams.
  2. Equip additional ventilation in the premises.
  3. Use polystyrene as a heater when arranging ventilated facades.

Classes, thickness and brand PPS, how to choose which one is better to use?

Although the polystyrene appears to be identical at first glance, this is only for those who initially chose to participate in warming the house outside. In order to classify and brand polyuertan foam, the following indicators are used:

  • production features;
  • material density;
  • The method of designing the edge.

Classes of polystyrene foam

Divide the content into two classes:

  1. Press – on the sheet will be applied to the ps marking. Insulation using press plants is made. The structure of the material is smooth and it is almost impossible to distinguish the granules of polystyrene.
  2. Incorrect – in this case, the PSB marking is left on the foam. To create such products, high -temperature sintering of the substance is used. Although press installations are also applied. Plates consist of round or oval granules, which are easy to distinguish from each other.

To these markings are added additional letters or numbers that will help identify the edge shape and density of the material, as well as where it is best to use it. Here are some more letters:

  • A – the correct shape of the plate.
  • In – the cut of the edge is similar to the letter L.
  • P – slabs were cut with a hot string.
  • F – the product was created using the form, or facade purpose.
  • C – polystyrene foam fades independently.
  • N – is suitable exclusively for external work.

PPS brands

We will now address the material brands. Manufacturers indicate the digital value to identify the brand. Representatives of the press and Incorre hold distinct values. We will thoroughly examine each class on its own.

Brands of unreasonable polystyrene foam

The following brands are known for this type of insulation in the building industry:

  • 15 – low density foam. The cheapest. More often used for packing household appliances or fragile items. It is easy to damage it;
  • 25 – If the letter F is added to such numbers, then the material is suitable for the decoration of the facade. The density is much higher, which means the strength is improved. It is often chosen to create decorative elements in the interior or landscape – the density of the material allows;
  • 35 – polystyrene foam can be used for different purposes. It is a good insulation for the facade, as a component for multi -layer panels (thermo, sandwich, reinforced concrete);
  • 50 – the most dense and durable material, moreover, the most expensive. It is used to warm underground structures and communications.

Brands of press PPS

Press technique yields PVC-penoplast. Polichlorvinyl resin is incorporated into the mixture. The substance is incredibly dependable and robust. It is utilized for insulation and construction in all fields. Add a number between 1 and 4 to the PS letters. The density and mean strength of the polystyrene foam increase with increasing numerical values.

The material used in the press method of production is appropriate for making containers for substances that are aggressive. The majority of known chemically active liquids are resistant to it.

Than the bad polystyrene foam of low density?

Selecting the proper material density is essential for high-quality thermal insulation in the home. Granules in polistyle foam with a low density indicator are spaced somewhat apart from one another. This facilitates the material’s ability to pass steam from the inside more effectively, but the granules themselves are still unable to ignore the liquid.

Moisture consequently progressively builds up in the insulation and is transferred to the surrounding materials:

  1. cladding;
  2. carrying wall.

The result is a slow collapse of the surrounding materials. Furthermore, because low-density foam crumbles and disintegrates easily, it has a low strength.

What they sell under the psb-25 brand

Products in high demand typically start to be counterfeited. This information applies not only to polystyrene but also to paints, plaster mixtures, foods, and medications. Furthermore, there hasn’t been any control over production conditions in a long time. As a result, producers lower the cost of the material, which lowers the cost of manufacturing it and lowers quality.

State standards under the PSB-25 brand state that foam with a density of 15 to 25 kg/m3 can be produced. With these restrictions, producers won’t invest money and will instead provide a less expensive, legally acceptable option. This indicates that low-density PSB-25 foam is available on the building materials market.

How to find out the density?

You can verify the value for yourself to make sure the seller doesn’t sell a product under the pretense of being pricey that has a low density indicator. Although the manipulation takes some time, the consultant will tell you everything straight away once you begin to carry out these actions.

Therefore, you must weigh one meter’s worth of cubic polystyrene foam in order to determine the material’s density. Should the brand 25 insulation be chosen, the weight requirement is precisely 25 kg. The following is what we do in the store:

  • We calculate the volume of one sheet of the selected foam.
  • Weigh it.
  • Divide the volume by weight.
  • The resulting value is compared with the one that should be.

For longevity and energy efficiency, selecting the proper density of foam insulation for your home’s facade is essential. It is crucial to match the density precisely to your climate and type of building because it impacts both thermal performance and structural integrity. Too high and installation becomes difficult and expensive; too low and you run the risk of insufficient insulation. This post offers concise instructions to assist you in determining the ideal foam density, guaranteeing efficient insulation and a smooth facade installation procedure for your house.

Extruded PPS

This polystyrene insulation is made using an extruder, which softens polystyrene balls under intense pressure. Consequently, a plate with a higher density than, say, PSB-50 is obtained, but it is also significantly thinner. Because extruded polystyrene foam can be chosen in a 5 centimeter thickness if the facade insulation calls for a 10 centimeter thick layer of foam.

You will frequently find the second name for the foam because the manufacturer "Foam" was the first to enter the building material market. However, there are other businesses that sell comparable goods. This is "Ursa" and "Technoplex."

Choosing the Right Density Understanding Installation
Consider the Climate and Building Type Ensure Proper Adhesion and Coverage

Selecting the appropriate density of foam insulation for your home’s facade is essential to guaranteeing its longevity and energy efficiency. The density of foam describes how closely the material’s cells are packed. Although it can be more expensive, a higher density usually translates into better insulation performance and greater durability. Conversely, while lower density foam might be less expensive, its ability to provide insulation may eventually be compromised.

Take into account both the unique needs of your building and the local climate when choosing the foam density. To stop heat loss in colder climates, a foam with a higher density and improved thermal resistance—often expressed as an R-value—is advised. A medium-density foam that strikes a balance between affordability and insulation effectiveness might be adequate in milder climates.

Foam insulation should always be installed in accordance with local building codes and manufacturer specifications. When foam is installed correctly, it will stay effective and intact for many years. Hiring skilled experts who are knowledgeable about installing foam insulation is essential, especially when it comes to the areas around windows, doors, and other facade penetrations.

It’s also critical to perform routine maintenance and inspections on the foam insulation to identify any early wear or damage. This entails looking for any gaps, cracks, or places where the insulation might have deteriorated. Timely maintenance can avert future structural problems and energy loss.

Video on the topic

I insulated with polystyrene all the house -chip3

Insulation. Foam installation.

A warming of a private house with polystyrene. The flour of the choice.

⛔ DO I do not use this polystyrene (PPS15F) to warm the facades

What should be the quality of the facade polystyrene foam PPS16F used to warm the facades of the house

Warming with foam of the 25th density 1*1m.

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Alice Eliseeva

Designer with 3 year old experience. I believe that the facade is the face of the house, so it should be not only beautiful, but also reflect the individuality of the owner. In my work I use: the latest 3D-visualization technologies, an individual approach to each client and a wide range of materials and solutions.

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