How to plaster wall plaster plaster: we make repairs correctly

"All about the facades of the house" is a welcome place! Few things are as important as choosing the right wall materials when it comes to maintaining or remodeling your house. Plastering your walls correctly guarantees structural integrity and longevity in addition to improving the visual appeal of your living area. Knowing the fundamentals of wall plastering is crucial, regardless of whether you’re planning a large renovation or dealing with small repairs.

Applying a uniform, smooth layer of plaster to interior walls and ceilings is known as wall plastering. This method not only hides flaws but also creates a solid foundation for paint or wallpaper. It’s crucial to evaluate your walls’ condition before you begin. To ensure a perfect finish, take care of any holes, cracks, or moisture problems before applying fresh plaster.

Selecting the appropriate kind of plaster is essential to attaining the intended outcomes. There are several varieties that are appropriate for different situations and uses, including gypsum plaster, lime plaster, and cement plaster. Your choice of plaster will be influenced by variables such as temperature, humidity, and the kind of surface you’re working on. Getting expert advice or conducting in-depth research can assist you in selecting the best solution for your project.

Correct application of exterior wall plaster is essential for durability and aesthetic appeal when renovating home facades. With the help of this article, homeowners can ensure a durable and aesthetically pleasing plaster finish that improves the overall appearance and structural integrity of their home by following the crucial steps of surface preparation, material selection, and plaster application.

Surface alignment mixtures

Plaster comes in a few primary varieties that vary not only in composition but also in the intended use.

  • The conventional mixture is designed to protect walls from the negative impact of external factors, leveling the surface and eliminating minor defects. After using conventional plaster on the walls, it is customary to apply a decorative coating.
  • As for the special variety of plaster, it is intended exclusively to ensure thermal and sound insulation of rooms and rooms. The composition is capable of providing surfaces with a special screenwriting layer that can protect the walls from negative exposure, for example, from radiation of an X -ray.
  • But decorative plaster is designed just in order to give the walls of the room a complete appearance. It is applied at the very end to the usual plaster, as a result of which the walls are light, even and smooth.

Ordinary gypsum plaster, which comes in a wide variety on the market, is used to level surfaces and remove flaws (potholes, cracks, and so forth) in residential buildings.

Types of walls for walls

In order to achieve a high-quality wall surface finish, you can select from the various plastering solution options that are offered.

  • The cement-sand mixture is used to correct strong defects in the surfaces of the walls and align various planes. The main thing is to prepare the solution correctly. Can be used to cover not only internal, but also external surfaces. Great for processing brick walls, and can also serve as the basis for decorative tiles.
  • For interior decoration of the premises, lime-sand plaster is perfect-it is used exclusively for the work of indoors. This is due to the fact that the plaster has a less solid consistency. However, this variety has its own advantages: the mixture has unique quality, which consists in the environmental purity of the composition.
  • The best option for processing walls and ceilings in the apartment is a gypsum solution containing polymer additives in its composition: alabaster and selenite. It is thanks to this composition that it is possible to achieve a very smooth and even surface with minimal time and effort.

A magnesian mixture is another universal ingredient that is added to the plaster solution. Internal finishing work is done in different rooms using a solution that includes this component.

Varieties of gypsum solutions

High performance indicators, outstanding quality attributes, and a clean environment are characteristics of gypsum mixtures. differ from one another in terms of the quantity and composition of the polymer components that comprise the mixture.

  • Solutions with the content of special polymer fillers, contributing to an increase in the quality of noise and sound insulation in the rooms, are suitable only for processing the internal surfaces of the rooms. Such gypsum mixtures can include completely different fillers, for example, perlite, small foam, vermiculite and other components.
  • Budget options for gypsum plasters have in their composition the minimum number of polymer components. Therefore, such solutions have a lower degree of adhesion and need additional priming at the beginning of their use. For wall processing, it is required to apply several layers of plaster, as well as the creation of special furrows on each of them to increase the better connection with the processed surface.
  • If you take plastering mixtures for processing the surface of the walls with the machine method, then they differ in an excellent degree of plasticity. Moreover, if the solution is applied to the plane manually, the plasticity of the solution will be much worse.
  • The highest quality and expensive variants of gypsum solutions for plastering rooms have a large number of different polymer components in their composition. Thanks to this, the process of plastering is carried out much easier and faster. Such mixtures have a high degree of adhesion and adhesion to the surface. Ideal for internal repair work.

Remember that gypsum mixtures are only intended to be applied to surfaces made of concrete, gypsum, aerated concrete, and foam concrete before purchasing one. It’s critical that the surface to which the composition is applied is not susceptible to moisture-induced deformation.

The main advantages

The ease of working with plaster and other nearby benefits contribute to the mixtures’ popularity as a surface treatment for buildings.

  • Gypsum solutions are immune to severe overheating and fire hazardous, which is an undoubted advantage for rooms treated with this composition.
  • Treatment of wall plaster allows you to achieve a smooth and even effect, so that you can get rid of various surfaces defects.
  • Economy. A very thin layer of plaster should be applied to cover surfaces – about five millimeters.
  • Since the composition has low thermal conductivity, it plays the role of additional insulation for wall surfaces.
  • After hardening, the gypsum plaster becomes so strong and hard that it allows you to drive large nails into the walls, screw the screws, work with a drill without fear of damaging the surface of the coating.
  • Environmentally friendly gypsum material has one unique ability: it can quickly absorb excess moisture in the room, and with too dry air, on the contrary, give moisture. Thanks to the rooms, there is always a balanced microclimate.
  • This material does not have an unpleasant specific aroma characteristic of most types of plasters. Moreover, gypsum is hypoallergenic material, and therefore it does not cause any allergic reactions.

Gypsum plaster’s high degree of hygroscopicity makes it unsuitable for use as exterior finishes, which is its only major drawback.

Prior to learning how to plaster walls at home, you should definitely become familiar with the fundamental guidelines for using gypsum plaster.

Rules for working with gypsum plaster

Many necessary guidelines for handling the material should be considered in order for the plaster to apply to the wall surfaces uniformly and for self-repairs to occur without any flaws.

So, how should the walls be arranged to get the best possible outcome?

  • First, it is necessary to prepare the surface on which the composition will be applied. For this, the walls or ceiling should be cleaned of dust and dirt, and if there is an old plaster, then it must be removed. It is best to pre -treat all surfaces with a primer – this will help create the best adhesion of the plaster with the surface.
  • Before starting work, you need to determine what layer the coating will be. The fact is that the more thinner is the layer of the solution, the less dense the composition should be obtained. If you plan to make a thick layer of plaster, then the mixture should be thicker.
  • For uniform application of the solution to the walls, you need to use a spatula. If you need to correct the layer of plaster, then for this it is better to use a tank, an alignor of corners or a rule-trapel.
  • It is very important to remember that for the correct application of the solution, the first layer should be applied in a horizontal direction, and the next layer in the vertical.
  • Each new The layer should always be applied with an interval of at least three hours. For the final drying of the plaster, it takes five days, after which you can glue the wallpaper or apply paint on it.
  • When working with gypsum material, it is necessary to exclude the likelihood of penetration into the blocked premises of drafts – this is the main reason for low -quality work.
  • If the solution began to grasp and lie poorly on the surface, it should not be diluted again to extend its use. If you ignore this rule, then the plaster will be lost all its qualitative characteristics, lose strength and give a shrinkage after drying out.

After considering these suggestions, you can independently plaster the necessary surfaces.

How to breed a solution

Making gypsum composition is a very easy process that takes only a few steps. Here, it’s critical to follow the appropriate ratios.

  • You need to take a deep container, pour in there from 0.5 to 0.7 liters of water (depending on the desired consistency) and pour exactly one kilogram of gypsum powder there there.
  • Then the mixture is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous consistency. You can interfere with manually or using a construction mixer.
  • After that, you need to give a mixture to brew a little – five minutes will be enough, then mix again.

It’s crucial to remember that the completed solution only has its properties for 30 minutes, so you have to use it all up then. You shouldn’t torture the mixture with water once more and use it for plastering if it is not used during this time and remains.

Preparation Ensure the wall is clean and free from debris.
Priming Apply a primer suitable for the wall material.
Mixing Plaster Mix plaster with water to a smooth consistency.
Application Apply plaster evenly using a trowel in thin layers.
Smoothing Smooth the surface with a wet sponge or float.
Drying Allow the plaster to dry completely before painting.

In order to ensure both structural integrity and aesthetic appeal, plastering walls is an essential step in home renovation. Selecting the appropriate type of plaster is crucial; each has a distinct function, whether it is gypsum-based for interior walls or cement-based for external walls. The first step is preparation: give the surface a thorough cleaning, fix any cracks, and apply the appropriate primer.

Application necessitates close attention to detail. Make sure the base coat is smooth and distributed evenly before proceeding. Apply subsequent layers with a trowel, increasing thickness as necessary. To keep the surface from cracking, keep it moist in between coats. For a perfect finish, lightly sand the plaster after it has dried.

Final details bring the process to a close. Select wallpaper or paint that goes well with your interior decor. Longevity is ensured by proper maintenance; to preserve the wall’s integrity, check it frequently for cracks or other damage and fix it right away. You can improve the facade of your house and get results of a professional caliber by following these instructions.

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Vladislav Kondratyev

Builder with 8 year old experience in the decoration of facades. My team and I guarantee high quality work. We use only proven materials and technologies.

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