Foam density

Knowing the density of foam is essential when choosing the materials for the exterior of your home. The weight of the foam per cubic foot, or foam density, represents the amount of material packed into a given volume. It has a direct impact on the resilience and insulating qualities of the foam used in facades.

In general, higher foam densities result in stronger structures and better insulation. The reason for this is that denser foams have more compact, smaller cells that are better at trapping air, which results in higher thermal resistance. This results in improved energy efficiency and eventually lower heating and cooling expenses for facades.

Conversely, foams with a lower density are more flexible and lighter. Although they might be less expensive and simpler to install, they typically have poorer insulating qualities and may be more prone to wear and tear, which makes them less appropriate for locations with harsh weather or significant impact risks.

Selecting the appropriate foam density requires taking your climate, spending limit, and long-term upkeep requirements into account. Achieving a balance between energy efficiency, upfront costs, and longevity is crucial to guaranteeing that your facade will continue to be both aesthetically pleasing and functional for many years to come.

Thermal conductivity and foam density

The best material for warming buildings both inside and out is thought to be foam. Foamed polystyrene, or PPS, is widely used in construction because of its superior thermal and acoustic insulation qualities as well as its high density of foam.

One type of insulation material with good thermal and acoustic properties is foam.

Polystyrene foams are far less expensive than other types of heaters. The operational costs of heating or cooling commercial or residential buildings are ten times lower when polystyrene foams are used in construction.

As a foam density affects its cost?

The concept of density is related to multiple points of view. In Cuba, one kilogram per meter is the unit of measurement for this parameter. This figure is computed using the weight-to-volume relationship. The qualitative properties of polystyrene foam that are related to its density cannot be determined with 100% accuracy. The insulation’s capacity to retain heat is unaffected by its weight.

When it comes to purchasing insulation, consumers are constantly curious about its density. We can determine the material’s strength, weight, and thermal conductivity using these data. The foam density consistently falls within a specific range.

The cost of production is established by the manufacturer while producing polystyrene foam plates. The weight of the insulation will have an impact on this value based on the density calculation formula. Because a material is denser the heavier it is, the higher its cost. This is because polystyrene plays a significant role in the raw materials used to make the heat insulator slabs. It represents around 80% of the final product’s total cost.

How does a change in foam’s heat conductivity impact its density?

The air-filled polystyrene foam balls are used to make polystyrene.

Air is present in the pores of all thermal insulation materials. The quantity of atmospheric air in the material determines the enhanced thermal conductivity indicator. Its coefficient of thermal conductivity decreases with size. Air-filled balls made of polystyrene foam are used to produce foam.

This indicates that the thermal conductivity of polystyrene foam is independent of its density. Thermal conductivity changes within the percentage shares if this value changes. Since air has the lowest coefficient of thermal conductivity, insulation with a 100% air content is known to have a high capacity to retain heat.

There is a high level of energy conservation because of the insulation’s low thermal conductivity. The energy-saving potential of polystyrene foam and brick will differ greatly because a 12-centimeter heat insulator is equivalent to 210 centimeters of brick wall or a 45-centimeter wooden wall.

Foam’s coefficient of thermal conductivity, represented in digital form, falls between 0.037 and 0.043 W/MK. This value can be compared to an air conductivity indicator that is equivalent to 0.027 W/MK.

What density to use polystyrene?

The way different brands of foam are used.

The primary varieties of polystyrene foam that are manufactured vary in density and other attributes:

  1. PSB-S-15, foam density up to 15 kg/cube.m.
  2. PSB-S-25, from 15 kg/cube.m up to 25 kg/cube.m.
  3. PSB-S-35, from 25 kg/cube.m up to 35 kg/cube.m.
  4. PSB-SV 50, from 35 kg/cube.m up to 50 kg/cube.m.

The letter-civilian code is represented by the stove brand designation. PSB, for instance, is understood to be unrealistic polystyrene. The upper length of the density is represented by the numbers. As a self-adjusting code, the letter "C" in the PSB-S code designation is interpreted.

Characteristics of the PSB-S-15 thermal insulator and its use

It is possible to create unloaded thermal insulation with PSB-S-15 polystyrene stoves. This is because there aren’t any loads on the insulation, whose density and thermal conductivity are limited to 15 kg/cube.m.

PSB-S-15 is the most reasonably priced polystyrene foam available. The following characteristics set apart the primary attributes of the insulation of the psb-S-15 brand:

  1. The strength of the compression of the PSB-S-15 compression is 10% deformation> 0.05 MPA.
  2. The value of the strength of the strength at bend> 0.07 MPa.
  3. Thermal conductivity of the PSB-S-15 brand is no more than 0.042 W/MK.
  4. Water absorption in 24 hours should not be more than 3% of the total volume.

PSB-S-15 polystyrene’s efficiency, ease of styling, and low deformability are further unquestionable benefits. For thermal insulation of homes, trucks, containers, and other construction-related structures, PSBS-15 foam is frequently utilized.

How is PSB-S-25 insulation to be used?

By using an analogy to determine the density of brick, one can calculate the density of foam. A single foam cube has a mass of 25 kg if its density is 25. The density of the foam determines how well it bends and compresses. Density and foam brand are entirely unrelated attributes. Thus, the density characteristic ranges from 15–25 or 35–50, depending on the brand of polystyrene, such as St. Petersburg–C25 or SPb–C50.

The foam does not lose any of its qualitative qualities when it is used in different building structures, depending on its designation.

Features of the PSB-S-25 plate.

For instance, the facades of houses can be insulated using PSB-S-15 foam. In construction, this kind of insulation is essentially nonexistent. It is utilized in buildings that are close to one another. Open balconies or verandas can serve as decorative elements. This kind of foam is used to create figures for facades, enabling:

  • Fainting windows, corners of the house;
  • divide the floors with a cornice.

The house’s facade is insulated with 25 foam. For the standard, foam is used, and its thickness is 5 cm. There are numerous uses for this kind of insulation. Depending on the customer’s preferences, its thickness varies.

The thickest foam is applied to walls in order to warm the masses of atmospheric air. By isolating the walls, they can stop the fungus from growing.

How is the polystyrene foam PSB-S-35 used?

Features of the PSB-S-35 plate.

You can adjust the thickness of the polystyrene plate foam to achieve precisely level walls. The size and thickness of the material shouldn’t be abused because doing so may make it more difficult to install the water-resistant system at the corners of the building.

Since the gas pipe cannot be completely closed off as this would go against the style of the building, you should determine how much reserve is available before selecting the required thickness of insulation. In this instance, it’s critical to make the right choice and buy foam PSB-S 35, which is 5 cm thick, rather than a material type that has a density of 25 and a thickness of 10 cm. Despite the fact that their costs are essentially the same.

It is possible to isolate window and door slopes with 35 insulation in conjunction with building insulation. It costs twice as much as a material made of 25 percent polystyrene. If the latter is five centimeters thick, it can be insulated with garages and non-residential buildings. Such a heater can be used to insulate residential buildings from heat since it is 7 cm thick.

You can use the heat insulator with the lowest thickness because of the normal level of density, which is unrelated to the insulation’s deterioration. You can perfectly insulate basements, walls, and foundations with polystyrene foam heat insulators if they are more substantial.

The polystyrene foam’s structure may alter if it is kept outside for an extended period of time because of solar radiation and precipitation in the atmosphere. The slabs lose their advantageous qualities and turn yellow.

Foam density computation. The cost of foam is affected by its density. the relationship between foam’s density and thermal conductivity. The principal varieties of polystyrene foam and their attributes.

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A house facade’s resilience and efficacy as an insulator are greatly influenced by its foam density. It establishes the insulation material’s endurance against heat transfer and environmental factors over time. The ideal density of the foam guarantees that the facade maintains its energy efficiency while offering sufficient defense against environmental factors such as wind and rain. Knowing the density of foam assists builders and homeowners in selecting materials that will increase the exterior longevity and energy efficiency of their buildings.

Low Density Foam Less dense, lighter weight foam often used for insulation in walls and ceilings. It provides moderate thermal insulation and is easier to handle during construction.
High Density Foam Denser and heavier foam suitable for more structural applications like external wall insulation or as a base for rendering. It offers higher thermal insulation properties but can be more challenging to install due to its weight.

It’s important to understand foam density when choosing the materials for the facade of your home. Foam density is the weight of the material per unit volume. It plays a major role in defining the foam’s strength, resilience, and insulating qualities when used in facade applications.

A stronger and longer-lasting material is often indicated by a higher foam density. Better resistance to impacts, weathering, and structural stress over time is what this means for facades. Additionally, it typically has better insulation qualities, which can improve your home’s energy efficiency.

Conversely, materials with a lower foam density might be lighter and simpler to work with when installing. However, in comparison to their counterparts with higher densities, they might give up on some durability and insulation performance.

Take into account elements like your climate, the amount of insulation you want, and your budget when selecting the foam density for your facade. Seeking expert guidance can assist you in making these choices so that your facade functions at its best for the duration of its life and looks good as well.

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Vladislav Kondratyev

Builder with 8 year old experience in the decoration of facades. My team and I guarantee high quality work. We use only proven materials and technologies.

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