Knowing how much paint you’ll need is essential when painting the exterior of your home. The type of paint and the surface’s texture are two variables that can affect how much paint is needed per square meter of plastered surface. Accurately calculating this will guarantee you buy the appropriate quantity of paint and prevent wasteful spending.
The texture and porosity of the plaster have a significant impact on how much facade paint is used per square meter on plastered surfaces. Paint usually absorbs more from rougher or highly porous surfaces than from smoother finishes. Furthermore, the coverage capacities of various facade paint types, such as acrylic, latex, or silicone-based paints, may differ. Determining the amount of paint required is made easier by being aware of these factors.
Measure the entire area of the facade you intend to paint in square meters before you begin to accurately calculate the paint consumption. Next, think about the coverage area per liter of paint as specified by the manufacturer. Usually, the paint can or the manufacturer’s website have this information. To estimate how many liters of paint you’ll need, divide the facade’s total area by the coverage area per liter.
It’s critical to allow for additional coats as needed. For certain facade paints, multiple coats are needed to attain the required durability and finish. Multiply the estimated paint quantity by the number of coats required to account for this in your computations. This guarantees that you will have adequate paint for the full project without running out.
Facade Type | Paint Consumption per 1m² of Plaster |
Smooth Plaster | Around 0.2 to 0.3 liters |
Textured Plaster | Approximately 0.3 to 0.4 liters |
- Acrylic paints
- Silicone paints
- Cement paints
- Polyilicate and silicate colors
- Independent calculation
- Prices for different types of building colors
- Additional factors affecting paint consumption
- Manufacturer data
- Absorption coefficient (absorption) of water
- Resistance to ultraviolet rays
- Vapor permeability
- Stability to abrasion
- Drying time
- The choice of tools
- Video on the topic
- How to calculate the paint?
- Real paint consumption in an airless method and how to calculate the amount of paint correctly.
- Paint consumption in details: main calculation techniques
- How to calculate the flow consumption
- How to determine the flow consumption
Acrylic paints
Acrylic paint exhibits excellent base adhesion, elasticity, dirt resistance, and water flushing properties. Its low permeability makes it ideal for repairing old facades. It can also be painted with mineral bases and applied over cement and cement-lime plastering layers that have already been painted. Lime and silicate plaster surfaces shouldn’t be treated with it.
Consumption of acrylic paint: 110–135 g/m².
Acrylic paints for facades
Paints based on silicone resins, acrylate, and vinyl can be organized and water-soluble at the same time.
Silicone paints
Silicone paintwork materials allow the facade to breathe because they are vapor permeable and resistant to solar radiation. It shields the walls from outside water infiltration and resists the effects of acid rain, exhaust fumes, and chemical contamination. Paints made of silicone create a flexible, dirt-repellent layer. They can be applied to a variety of surfaces, such as historical building facades or walls covered in layers of old paint.
Consumption of paint: 200 g/m².
Paints for facades based on silicone. Strangenesses
Cement paints
This mineral substance is offered for sale as dry mixes. It is dissolved in either water or the manufacturer’s liquid preparation. High water absorption and vapor permeability are characteristics of cement paints. They are currently very rarely used in the construction of new homes because they are easily polluted.
There is a rule that states the paint should be chosen based on the kind of plaster. Cement plaster and cement-lime are painted using cement paint. She’s also most likely among the least expensive. She’s got a limited selection when it comes to color.
500–700 g/m³ of consumption (two-layer coating).
Cement paint for facades: Finnseko
Polyilicate and silicate colors
Paints made of silica have nearly the same good vapor permeability as lime paints, but they are much more resistant to moisture. They are very strong and resistant to mold growth and the negative effects of environmental factors. Because silica paint is not electrified, it has an extremely high resistance to pollution. The color selection that is offered for sale is rather small.
Water is repelled by silicate paints.
Paints made of polysilicate are a contemporary, inventive variety of silicate paints that are enhanced with different resins. These paints are far simpler to use. Unlike their predecessors, they exhibit superior water resistance, high vapor permeability, and compatibility with organic plaster.
The building’s facade, which was painted in delicate hues
Consumption of polycrystalline paint: 140–150 g/m².
Paint for a silicate facade Ceresit CT 54
Independent calculation
Typically, manufacturers have a calculator on their websites that lets you figure out how much paint you’ll need to buy. However, the computation can be done on its own.
It is very simple to calculate the precise consumption of 1 m² of paint if the manufacturer indicates the consumption on the package. For instance, if it is stated that 10 m2/l of paint is consumed, then 100 ml of paint are needed to paint 1 m2 of wall.
How much paint is required
To calculate how much it is necessary to purchase liters (or kilograms) of the material for painting the whole house, you need to determine the number of layers that will be applied. As a rule, the surface of the walls is covered with two layers of paint. It is much less often so that only one layer is applied. Sometimes painting is carried out with a larger number of layers. If the walls are covered with a primer, the manufacturer can offer the consumer to limit himself to one layer. In calculations made for porous or rough surfaces, about 20% are added to the expenditure indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. Complex moldings and fittings will require additional coloring.
Therefore, multiplying A (paint consumption per 1 m² of wall) by B (wall area) and C (number of layers) will determine how much paint needs to be purchased.
Then, an additional 10%–20% increase in the result is necessary to prevent unpleasant surprises during the operation.
How much it will cost to paint a house square meter
To calculate the surface area of all walls, you need to measure the length of each wall, fold all the lengths together and multiply by the height of the house. But, of course, not everyone has a house that looks like a box of matches. In the figure, we see that the red square has the same area as the blue triangle. This means that the area of the surface of the wall of the triangular shape is not so difficult to count. Of course, you need to not forget to measure the doors, windows and other areas that are not painted in order to subtract the resulting area from the square meter of the task (this is about 10% of the total area of the wall surface).
The room’s measurements in relation to the wall area
Calculation formulas
Prices for different types of building colors
Building paint
Additional factors affecting paint consumption
Manufacturer data
Manufacturers provide the great majority of paints in a ready-made format. Different data is written on packages by manufacturers. This information generally discusses the goals, conditions of use, benefits, and necessary safety measures for products. However, a large number of these data impact material consumption. In the end, these summaries will assist in selecting the ideal product.
What paints cover up tiny wall fissures
The quality of the products increases with the size of the binder, regardless of the type of paint.
Absorption coefficient (absorption) of water
The lowest possible coefficient (roughly 0.05 kg/m²h0.5) is desired. The surface is less likely to become polluted and more moisture-resistant the lower it is.
Resistance to ultraviolet rays
Excessive exposure to solar radiation results in paint coating fading, cracking, and swelling. The most stable paints to UV radiation are silicone-acrylic, acrylic, and polysilicate.
Vapor permeability
A wall is said to have a good feature when each layer of the wall is built to guarantee the passage of a couple. Typically, manufacturers list the grams of water vapor that pass through the wall. The more breathing the paint is taken into consideration, the larger the indicator (greater than 100 g/m²).
What is vapor-permeable paint for facades?
Stability to abrasion
It is provided in dry or wet washing cycles. The better, the more cycles (priest. 5000).
Drying time
The label’s description indicates when you can apply a new layer.
Take note! In the event that the manufacturer provides two paint consumption values, it is important to remember that a small indicator is used to indicate the amount of paint applied to a smooth surface, and a larger indicator is used to apply paint to a surface with a noticeable texture.
We look at how much paint you need to cover each square meter of your plastered facade in our article "Facade paint consumption for 1m² of plaster." We dissect the variables that affect paint consumption, including paint type, application technique, and surface texture. By being aware of these variables, professionals and homeowners alike can decide on paint quantities with knowledge, guaranteeing effective and economical facade beautification.
The choice of tools
Depending on the required surface design and the coating’s chemical makeup, there are three different ways to apply paint: roller, brush, and spray. It is important to follow all of the manufacturer’s instructions to the letter.
Take note! Spraying can help cut down on paint consumption considerably, but keep in mind that not all facade coatings are appropriate for this method of applying them to the wall surface.
Painting smooth-textured walls with a brush or roller is the easiest method. The brush pile gets shorter the smoother the wall gets.
Which should I use—a brush or a roller?
Painting brushes for use in painting
Take note! Adherence to work technology has a direct impact on the 1 m³ paint consumption. Remember that even minor details can have an impact on paintwork costs if you decide to paint the walls yourself.
A successful painting project depends on accurately estimating the amount of paint required for a facade. Numerous factors are taken into consideration when estimating paint consumption per square meter. First off, the type and state of the surface have a big influence on how much paint is needed. Paint will absorb more from rougher, absorbent surfaces—like textured plaster—than from smoother ones.
The kind of paint and how well it covers are additional important considerations. The amount of paint that a liter can hold varies depending on the paint’s thickness and opacity. Better-quality paints typically require fewer coats to achieve the same coverage, which can save money over time even though they initially cost more.
Environmental factors and climate are also important. Stronger and thicker paint coats may be required in areas with harsh weather to ward off moisture and UV radiation. The quantity of paint required per square meter may rise as a result.
Finally, it is crucial to properly prepare the surface before painting. In order to ensure that the paint adheres well and produces the desired finish, any imperfections should be cleaned, primed, and repaired. If these steps are skipped, the coverage may be uneven and the amount of paint used may increase.
In conclusion, surface type, paint quality, environmental considerations, and surface preparation must all be taken into account when precisely estimating the amount of paint used on a facade. Homeowners and contractors can plan efficiently, reduce waste, and create a stunningly painted facade that lasts over time by considering these factors.