Application of hollow facial bricks: pros and cons of

A common option in contemporary architecture, hollow face bricks provide a harmonious blend of practicality and visual appeal for both residential and commercial structures. These bricks have a distinctive design with areas of their structure that have been hollowed out. In addition to making the bricks lighter, this design improves their ability to insulate against heat.

The lightweight nature of hollow face bricks is one of their main benefits. Hollow face bricks are lighter and easier to handle and move than solid bricks, which are thick and bulky. Because of this feature, they are especially well-suited for projects where labor and construction time efficiency are critical.

In addition to being heavy, hollow face bricks provide excellent thermal insulation. These bricks’ hollow interior cavities form a barrier that aids in controlling indoor temperature. By eliminating the need for large heating or cooling systems, this can improve energy efficiency and eventually cut energy costs.

However, before choosing hollow face bricks, it’s important to weigh any potential disadvantages. Although they provide good thermal insulation, solid bricks may have better acoustic insulation qualities. In noisy environments, buildings made of hollow face bricks might need extra soundproofing measures.

The structural integrity of hollow face bricks is another factor to take into account. Although they are intended to be long-lasting and compliant with building codes, they might not have the same load-bearing capacity as solid bricks. Where considerable structural support is needed, hollow face bricks must be used with great consideration and planning by engineers and architects.

To sum up, hollow face bricks are a flexible option for architectural facades, providing advantages like lighter weight, better thermal insulation, and visual appeal. But before using them, their application should be thoroughly assessed in light of the particular project requirements, weighing these benefits against things like structural requirements and acoustic insulation.

Pros Cons
1. Lightweight, easy to handle during construction. 1. Less thermal mass, potentially lower energy efficiency.
2. Improved insulation properties due to hollow structure. 2. May require special techniques for fixing and finishing.

Advantages of hollow facing brick.

Hollow facing bricks are primarily used to decorate buildings, facades, arches, columns, fences, and other structures.

One characteristic that sets complete hollow facing bricks apart is the existence of through or deaf on one side of the holes in various configurations. Geometric shapes can be square, rectangular, oval, or round. In the construction process, voids alter the material’s fundamental technical properties and give it unique properties.

  • The weight of hollow bricks is much less solid, the load on the base of the building is significantly reduced;
  • An excellent heat insulator, with a difference in external and internal temperatures, retains heat;
  • Voids have increased soundproofing ability;
  • a wide range of application for low -rise construction;
  • due to the reduction in costs in the production of hollow bricks, the cost is much lower than the whole;
  • various color shades from light brown to dark red;
  • high degree of frost resistance;
  • long service life (more than 50 years) due to high density;
  • Attractive appearance (smooth flat surface without cracks and chips).

The main varieties of facial hollow bricks.

Confronted Hollow facing brick varies in a number of ways, including size, color, texture, number of rows of voids, bar form, application area, and kind of raw material used.

  • Ceramic hollow brick is made of clay fusion with special additives, suitable for masonry and cladding of the building;
  • Clinker based on a stupefy clay with the addition of mineral additives, has a high density and low porosity, excellent frost resistance, minimal moisture absorption, good decorative properties, a wide selection of colors;
  • Hyperpressed bricks are obtained without a firing way, by pressing under high pressure, low water absorption, high frost resistance, high -quality mechanical strength.

In the construction industry, facade hollow bricks come in a variety of forms:

  • textured, It is used for decoration of window openings, arches, have various geometric shapes and facial relief imitations of surfaces (trees, grass bark);
  • Two -layer with Angobe (coating of liquid clay with tinting), white clay with the addition of dyes is applied to the basis;
  • glazed, Clinker brick is covered with glazed lightwood glass to increase frost resistance;
  • Private has strict rectangular shapes with a smooth surface.


The brand determines the brick’s strength indicator as a percentage of voids on the total mass.

  • Brick strength brands: M100, 125, 150, 175, 200 kg per 1 sq. cm;
  • Frost resistance, the ability of the material to withstand several frost cycles, is indicated F, indicators 0.37-0.93 W;
  • Density 1200-1800 kg. per 1 cubic meter;
  • Thermal conductivity coefficient 03-05 W per 1 cubic meter. m;
  • The front brick has a low percentage of waterjacking from 6 to 8.

Hollow face bricks are a strong choice for contemporary building because they combine practical advantages with affordability. Because of their lightweight construction, they are less difficult to handle during installation, which lowers labor costs and lessens the structural load on buildings. This benefit also applies to transportation, as lighter bricks require less fuel and have a smaller environmental effect.

The thermal characteristics of hollow face bricks are one of their main advantages. The hollow cores improve the building’s insulation by acting as a natural barrier to heat transfer. Because of its thermal efficiency, homes may use less heating and cooling equipment and pay less in energy costs because indoor temperatures are better controlled.

However, there are some drawbacks to hollow face bricks in addition to these advantages. Compared to solid bricks, their hollow design may have an impact on sound insulation and possibly increase the amount of noise that travels between rooms. Furthermore, builders must make sure that the hollow cores are properly sealed to stop moisture intrusion, which over time could weaken the structure’s integrity.

In conclusion, even though hollow face bricks have clear benefits in terms of handling, cost, and thermal performance, their application should be carefully considered in light of the needs of the particular project. To get the most out of them and extend their lifespan, proper installation and maintenance methods are essential. Builders can decide whether to use hollow face bricks in their projects by carefully considering the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

Examining hollow facade bricks has benefits and drawbacks for contemporary building. Builders find these lightweight bricks appealing because they save money and are simple to handle during installation. Their hollow construction, however, may have an impact on soundproofing and thermal insulation, which could result in increased energy expenses and decreased acoustic comfort. When determining whether hollow facade bricks are appropriate for a project, it is important to weigh these considerations in relation to the building’s functional needs as well as its aesthetic appeal.

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Michael Korotkov

Architect with ten years of experience in the design of facades. In my work I always try to find a balance between aesthetics and functionality. It is important for me that the facade is not only beautiful, but also meets all climatic and technical requirements.

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